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IIU whitewashes Bradley Singer shooting by cops

Police in Manitoba have, like James Bond, a licence to kill, according to the latest report from the provincial police watchdog, the IIU (Independent Investigation Unit). That's the shocking conclusion of a mandatory, and seriously slanted, investigation into the police killing of 59-year-old Bradley Singer in his home on Magnus Avenue a year ago. Singer was an innocent man, alone, probably asleep, bothering nobody, when police arrived at his door just before dawn in February 2024. He was diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, magnified by extreme paranoia. Police had come with an order to take him to see a doctor who was concerned that Singer's mental health was deteriorating. But, through a series of misjudgements and missteps, about two hours later Singer was dead, peppered with at least six police bullets fired at point blank range. We knew the IIU had something to hide when they...
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